Dr. Alphonso Monso – Slide Show
Dr. Alphonso Monso - Slide Show PDF Link - What they are injecting into you
Dr. Alphonso Monso - Slide Show PDF Link - What they are injecting into you
Explanations of why people didn't take the shots. Scroll down to comments: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2023/01/14/so-you-did-not-take-the-covid-19-shot-why-not/#comments
The Five Basic Laws of Human Stupidity As written by Carlo Cipolla . 1. Always
Loy Brunson - The Scotus Case that Could Change Everything Part 1 https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/121622-wow-guest-loy-brunson-the-scotus-case-that/id1311787567?i=1000590448570 Part 2
Here are some of my thoughts on New Year's resolutions. Maybe you'll find a few
Video from Live Presentation that Kate did on 11-16-22 in St George, UT
NOVEMBER 24, 2022 | PART OF WASHINGTON JOURNAL 11/24/2022 Washington Journal - Kate on C-SPAN
Kate on Alex Jones, The Spiritual Warfare for Humanity https://banned.video/watch?id=63757acc256aaf42960e34c5
Diesel Fuel Crisis to Hit by Thanksgiving Kate on Alex Jones with Guest: Auto Industry
The Real Anthony Fauci Movie Free until 10/25 website Scroll down the page. https://www.therealanthonyfaucimovie.com/trailer/