I was just asked how do you “stand”. Here are a few ideas:
When they tear down a statue, build 3 more on private property.
When they cancel culture a name of a college in the name of progressive communism to remove history? Start private businesses with the name DIXIE in them, Put up more signs with the name DIXIE, purchase private property to put up things like DIXIE rocks. Do not let them have this kind of power. Shore it up and make it bigger.  No matter what they try to tear down in your area- reinstate it by doing it on private property.
Host events to get educated.
Attend events by the thousands when great guest speakers come to town.
Write an op-ed.
Stop giving money to parties and the corrupt organizations that they are, and start giving numbers to those fighting court cases in the courts to set precedents that can shore up our God given rights.
If they government or OSHA says they will fine you- like my friend Paul Gooch tells them- kiss the ass of my mule.
Stop telling your employees to wear ma sks if they aren’t vac – this is AMERICA. How UN AMERICAN is it to make an employee wear a muzzle. Stop acting like a communist.
Organize. Strength in numbers. Find like minded people with logic and a conscience.
Prepare now for the next lock do wn. Make a compact with other businesses that you will not roll over and take it.
Get these career politicians OUT OF OFFICE. They are KILLING YOUR LIBERTY.
Call them out on all the socialized housing they are bringing into every neighborhood.
Call up shows like mine and stop being so nice. Stand for something and let your voice be heard.
When one person stands up in a crowd for what is right, others will follow. But it will take courage to do that. Have confidence in yourself.
When a school board or county commissioner or city council seek to tell you that you cannot be angry or tell them what you think or only have two minutes for your free speech expression, as they forget they are elected and we are their boss, recite the 1968 verdict of the Supreme Court ruling that says you can yell, insult and tell anyone of them off, if you so choose because this is America. And you will not be silenced because THEY don’t like criticism for doing what is wrong.
Write books about how you feel about this country.
Offer to teachers that you will come in to talk to the students about love for this country and liberty and give them truthful explanations of history so they can hear the other side.
Have your kids read GOOD books from the past that contain better language than we have today and actually educate them.
Get your kids out of the public school system. Immediately. Unless you like them to receive boatloads of propaganda.
Speak up. Stop being so nice that you seem wishy washy and afraid. Get a backbone. Get some courage. Lobby for Constitution week at your local school instead of earth worship week.
Refuse the thing that they are cramming down our throats that is hurting us that I cannot name. Speak out about it.
Get a truck that states the truth – the kind I have seen driving around town.
Pool your money for a billboard to say the truth.
Show movies like KrisAnne Halls Movie.
Put a sign on your roof that tells the truth so that when satellite picks up images it is flooded with truthful messages about the destruction of America. If they try to blur it, that will be noticed – that they are blurring out messages.
Sign up for jury duty if you can. Make the change in court.
Support truthful media.
Share truthful messages in Social Media even though you know it it can cause people to not like you. Do you so desperately want their approval or do you want to stand up for truth.
Talk to managers of establishments about how ludicrous it is that they are making employees wear a muzzle. Write an email to the higherups of that company. Complaints do more than you think.
Write to your local Congressman and tell him to stand up for your liberty because he has FAILED to do so and he is on notice. Same with local Legislators and State Senators. Call them on their fake fights to get brownie points and tell them their wishy washy silence is a disgrace. Tell the Mayors to stop giving us socialized housing. It is killing our country. Write to your college boards and tell them they are hiring liberal professors and to knock it off.
Volunteer at a historical museum. Offer to teach kids to read and teach them. Show them what good books look like instead of those that are now going to the library to read to them- you know what I am talking about. Do not let them win.
Ask your local school board to care more about the kids than their jobs. And ask them what kinds of groups are they inviting to talk to your kids. Vet those groups. You will find they are not what they say they are and the school boards are too dumb to vet them to find out. You must do it.
Review the curriculum that your kids are learning in public schools if you keep them in there. Review their nightly assignments. Discover how much porn they are seeing. Discover that socialism is highlighted in their assignments. Call the teachers and principals on this.
For every B L M office they open, open a Constitution learning office or TRUTH office.
Tell your local police department to stop kneeling for B L M. Call them on it. Rebuke them for doing this. Educate them. Get KrisAnne Hall to come and teach them.
If you go to an event and even though they open the doors to entice you to do something illegal-don’t do it- they are trying to entrap you. F B I loves to entrap patriots right now. They are desperate to do it. Don’t let them. IF someone in your circles tries to entice you to violence, stop conversing with them, they are probably an agent. Stop bringing your cell phones to events as they love to cast wide nets to upload info about you. Stop letting them do to you.
Start talking about drilling down for water to everyone to re-educate them about water sources used for centuries. Their ignorance is going to to cost all of us a food supply.
Educate your Mayors who do not do research. Educate your elected officials who do not do research- but go along with what they are told to do. Education is key. Visit websites that do not tell you what to think, but just give you the facts.
Turn off your TV. Stop the indoctrination.
Start asking more logical questions then just believing in things that are not happening. If you have never been effected by clim mate change in all of your 50 years, stop believing the lies that you will die from it. If you are not witnessing 20 relatives die before you, stop using the word pla g ue. Stop giving these things power.
Be prepared.