Number one.  We REFUSED the vent. My husbands oxygen was at 79.  We refused the vent.  They tried to tell us it was the next step after they tried the high flow machine. The reason the ICU’s are full is because of policy changes hospitals made  to put high flow machine patients in the ICU.  Charging more money. $$$ kickbacks too.  They had fear tactics.  Looked at us like we were crazy. It was ridiculous.  REFUSE REFUSE REFUSE THE VENT. It’s a death sentence.

Right away- we demanded 10,000 units of INTRAVENOUS Vitamin C.  ( this is more important than you think.  For 80 years we’ve know that Vitamin C HIGH DOSE fights inflammation associated with pneumonia. Yes, even if they are calling it “Covid Pneumonia”. It’s all pneumonia.  What you are doing is giving something to the patient that helps the immune system fight from within.  This is CRUCIAL and has to be done IMMEDIATELY.  Do not accept anything less than 10,000.  20,000 is optimal.  They may try to give you 500 in an oral pill- that will not do what intravenous Vit C high load dose can do. This article going clear back to the 40’s discusses it-  ) (


We told the doctors to give my husband 260 Zinc a day.  They told us they were out of intravenous zinc.  So at least, get the patient this high dose oral amount but intravenous is better.
I’m not a doctor and cannot dispense medical advice.

We made them give my husband 10,000 units of Vit D a day.  It’s ludicrous that they don’t check anyone’s levels in the hospital- but most all of levels are low as we do not live close to the equator.   It really helps to fight illness- Vit D.

We brought in NAC immune support pills to my husband and gave him 3 capsules a day- that’s triple the normal dose.  NAC also acts like a bit of a natural blood thinner.

We told the doctor to switch the steroid to Budenoside instead of Dex.  They gave my husband Budenoside every 6 hours instead of every 12 hours and halfed the amount of Dex they were giving him.  Dex has a lot of side effects and raises the blood sugar in epic proportions.  So at least the only gave him half of the Dex they normally use.  Budenoside is safer snd better- and on page 205 of their own disastrous protocol- they cite Budenoside as being amazing and it works- but halted the study due to not enough patients? What a joke. It even said it kept people out of the hospital.  But, The Lancet in July came out with an article that stated it was the silver bullet.  The game changer. And they were switching over to this steroid in the UK.  Dr. Richard Bartlett of Texas said it was the game changer in his clinic in June of 2020 and they tried to shame  him for promoting it.  I found that anything that works- the hospitals  don’t want you to use it.

Ivermectin/  my husband took this before going in during the 7 days he was sick.  The reason we landed at the hospital with an oxygen level of 79, was because we didn’t correctly dose it.  We missed a message from our doctor that said to increase the amount fir the first 3 days to body weight amount.  Get that bigger push in the beginning.  My husband is a big guy and should have been taking 30 mg the first three days, and then 5 or 6 mg daily after those first three days of 30 a day.  I’m not a doctor and can’t disowns either medical help.  Best thing to do is go to Americasfrontlinedoctors website and do a televisit and they will access your situation and ship out prescriptions Immed to you.
Ivermectin is fantastic, and despite what the hospitals say- it is proven to work.  Hospitals are told not to even discuss its value.  Sad.  You can demand it.  You can go to the head of the hospital and demand it.

Hydroxichloroquine-  yes it works.  He took this at the same time he took Ivermectin.  It is one of the best and safest medications on the market.  Been around over 60 years.  Everyone should have some in hand in my opinion.  Maybe taking this helped him bounce back faster. But yes- I take this to maintain my health one pill a week.

Do not let them give Remdesiver. It causes organ failure snd renal failure. It’s horrible.

Hydroxichloroquine works well if you take it with high dose of zinc. Hydroxichloroquine opens up the cell for zinc to get in.  Fauci himself called it a vaccine 6 years ago.  It works wonders. Very safe.

Dr. Judy Mikovitz also said to take Qeurcitan which is a natural form of Hydroxichloroquine and take chlorophyll – she cites this as very important. She is a phd who developed the meds and vaccines that we use.

They told us they didn’t give these vitamins above on those quantities.  We told them “ no you WILL do it”.
They said it wasn’t their protocol.  We said we didn’t care.
We threatened to leave.
We threatened  to sue.
They didn’t want to do it.
You have to demand it.
You have to get a backbone.
You have rights.  Tell them to give you a copy of Patient Bill Of Rights.  By law they must give you a hard copy. It says you are in control.  It says they must listen to you and that by law you have the right to be with your loved one if they are not letting you be in there.

You can use the words “ it won’t do any harm” because that will resonate with the doctor.

You are only asking for vitamins high dose and a switch to a proven steroid that their own medical journals call a game changer.  This will help your loved one’s own immune system fight.  You are not asking for experimental drugs.  And any hospital that refuses to give them intravenous vitamins – I would transfer them out of that hospital.

You can threaten to take them out on hospice. That means oxygen and staff come to your home.  Usually just the threat of that will get them to listen to you. If you did do that- take them out on hospice- I would get them to an IV infusion clinic ( they are everywhere) and get them the vitamins listed above in high dose.  You don’t need a doctor. You don’t need a scrip.  You can get to these clinics daily.  It’s about 100$ to get this.  It would help a lot more than the hospital just watch them go down hill.

We refused the ventilator at all costs.  80% death rate. They never used a vent before as part of a treatment plan until the NIH told them to.  I think it’s criminal.  That was always worst case/last case scenario.  Never something they pushed in people.  My husbands oxygen was in the 90’s and dipped into the 80’s when he slept and they were still pushing the idea of the ventilator- that’s criminal!  If you can talk and breathe- why would they ever be trying to get you to do it? Omg.  They are telling people into it.  That’s criminal.
The high load vitamins right from the start of getting their ( you have a short window snd need to act fast) help them FROM EVER GETTING TO THAT VENTILATOR. That’s the whole purpose.
Within 30 hours  my husband was doing better stats going up. And yes the first 20 hours his high flow oxygen was at 100%.   So they tell people “well it’s at 100% and we can’t do anything more so we must vent”.  It’s ridiculous. Give the body what it needs to heal snd give it some time.
Theg are RUSHING it – to get them on vents. They get big paychecks $$$ for putting them on vents.  DO NOT EVER GET TO THAT POINT.


BIGGEST THING I CAN TELL YOU- you either fight like hell to get heard and demand them to do what you want over and over and over or in my opinion, you make funeral plans.
You are in a life or death situation and every minute counts because of their horrid protocol.  Look up the NIH CDC Covid protocol 341 pages. It lists everything horrible as a solution.

You must get loud. You must stay right on top of it and guard your loved one.  They kept trying to change doses on us.  You have to stand guard. I just wanted him to leave alive. I realized that the docs don’t study – they don’t read- they just think their protocol is great. And that Covid is killing people.  No- it’s their protocol.
You have rights. You have to tell them they WILL do what you are asking and do it NOW.  You may hear no over and over because le they have huge egos and don’t want to bother with what you are asking.  So what- keep after them. You are paying them for care. They work for YOU.  You can leave. So you demand it.

If  a hospital or doctor thinks giving your loved ones common sense high load vitamins when they are sick isn’t good- THEY NEED TO LOSE THEIR LICENSE. They are incompetent and switch doctors until you get one that will listen.  REFUSE REFUSE REFUSE THE VENT.  Sometimes and rarely would their ever be a vent needed.

Asking for a Patient Bill Of Rights tells them that you know your rights.

And prayer. Prayer works.  Pray for courage to advocate for your loved one as well. ❤️