Washington DC is SUING the people that entered the Capitol for “damages” for millions of dollars.

Damages to WHAT? A Window?

The people entering the Capitol were not armed. NOT ARMED.

But they claim 140 officers were injured- so they need to recoup “damages” for “medical treatment”.

Really?  No guns were drawn.  Were there fist fights?  Black eyes? Bruises and bleeding? Nope.

Were the people who entered the Capitol bruised, black-eyed and bleeding? Nope. No conflict took place.

For a heavily secure building such as the Capitol, you would have cameras everywhere.  No cameras?

The people were waved into the Capitol.  This is on tape by bystanders. The police stood and smiled while the people took selfies.

Why would the people stop the meeting of the very thing they came to see? The reading of the electoral college votes due to a fraudulent election.

They didn’t “storm” the building.  They were waved in to an open door.

They weren’t insurrectionists.  They were not armed.  It was not a mob.

The “deaths” were one woman shot by police- although I have questions about that.

And 3 officers- two who died from natural cardiac problems as determined by the coroner and one death by amphetamine overdose.

Those 3 deaths that they attribute to the “event” had nothing to do with the ACTUAL event.  But in history, it will always attribute the deaths to this.

They will never change the narrative that is so false, it’s unbelievable.

Even common sense would tell anyone that 140 officers were not hurt. They would have drawn a weapon if they were assaulted. They were never assaulted.  And even the Ashley Babbitt shooting- there are too many questions and not enough answers on that one.  After reviewing the tape, it looks like a false flag.

In their “damages” they also claim the people “crushed freedom and our democracy”.

No, the only people that did that, were those that implemented a very fraudulent election. And we have a Republic.  Just FYI.