• If you want Ivermectin, Hydroxi, Budesinide- contact Susan@katedalleyradio.com and she will get you to a doctor immed that will help you get it. There are pharmacies that will ship to other states- who refuse to fill it.
  • CDC is couching everything they say with “estimated cases of Omicron” and getting hospitals supplies “should” they need it. All the articles for 2 years always say we are on the verge of a crisis. Not IN a crisis.  Interesting.  CDC claims now 73% ESTIMATED to have moronic variant- but don’t ACTUALLY have it.  Lie after Lie after Lie.
  • FDA approves 12+ with no long term study and no proof of safety.  WOW.
  • In his new book, ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. blows the scientific cover on this medical deception wide open, by shining a light – indeed a bank of floodlights – on the real actors, agendas, billion-dollar conflicts of interest and state-corporate crime behind the so-called pandemic response.Summarising his book in an interview with James Corbett of the Corbett Report, Kennedy describes a process whereby regulatory agencies such as the FDA, NIH and CDC have become “sock puppets of the industries they are supposed to regulate.” Tony Fauci, Kennedy explains, is “the spearhead of an agency that has experienced regulatory capture on steroids. The FDA receives 45 percent of its annual budget [US$5.9 billion], from pharmaceutical companies. The NIH has thousands of pharmaceutical patents, and the CDC spends about 4.9 billion dollars a year, out of its 12 billion dollar budget, buying and distributing vaccines. It is the biggest vaccine company in the world.”
  • We have about 35% of our nation in a state of psychoses.
  • When people ask you if you are vaccinated- they aren’t REALLY asking about the vax, they are wondering what team you are on.
  • Utah Health Dept made a change 5 days ago- no more Regen Monoclonal- now they just give you the Remdesiver.  Regen Monoclonal Antibodies have a 35% death rate according to Dr. Bryan Ardis.  Remdesiver has a 54% death rate.  Stop doing the monoclonal – you have an immune system.  You do not want this concoction. And of course- stop doing Remdesiver.
  • Insurance Company claimed 40% hike in working age men dying.  What they didn’t tell you was that 40% claim that sounds horrific is only 17 deaths increase.
  • The WHO put out a post that claimed no real  side effects or death with the vax.  Then 23,000 comments came flying in about the death and harm it was causing. 23,000 comments.  People are getting angry.
  • Now we have FLURONA.  They have never merged two non fatal illnesses together that have cold symptoms to claim a new illness. Maybe because it was flu all along?  PCR test is now out as CDC admitted on main stream news that you can be test positive for up to 12 weeks or more following test, so they aren’t going to use it anymore.  What they didn’t say was that it is fraudulent but agreed the results are fraudulent.  WOW. So they are quietly bypassing the test now.  The test that they worshipped. The same test that never came from even a single sample of Covid.  And now they want a flu test for Covid.  So that it stays around forever.  Covid now will never go away. The claim of Covid, that is.
  • Verizon and AT&T have rejected a request by the U.S. government to delay the rollout of next-generation wireless technology- citing that it will mess with airlines. They ad the new bandwith on Wednesday this week.