Fake Ted Cruz never went after the FBI entrapment of Jan 6- It was all a show.  Why? Nothing came of his supposed “grilling”.  Nothing.  Don’t trust him. He is a liar. Has been for years. It’s always a show to get voters.

NCAA- Immunity declared after 90 day Covid.  (Getting tired of keeping players on sidelines).

Small Pox “vaccines” gave more Small Pox.  Gov didn’t stop the program in the 1800’s- the people were just starting to realize that the shots.

The Book that Melissa was citing from today- How we stopped Small Pox- The Poisoned Needle by Eleanor McBean

were giving it – people weren’t just getting it.  People stopped the program.

Only if you have fevers and breathing issues should you worry you have pneumonia- not just with a cold.  People wonder when they should take ivermectin- Doctors that are really good are saying only if you have lung/fever to get IV vitamins and Ivermectin.  Most people just have colds but are freaking out because of the insane Covid propaganda.

Anihistimine Day 8 of lung/breathing issues – works like a charm. South Africa Doctor treated 8,000 patients and this was the secret along with Ivermectin.  Also- order an oxygen machine.  They are online about 300.00 and you will be able to help family and friends from going into the hospital and dying in the “care” of the ICU’s- the ONLY place people are dying. That is NOT a pandemic. That is bad care ordered by Fauci at the NIH.  A Person can live through Remdesiver if they are lucky- but rarely will they make it if they have Remdesiver AND put on a ventilator too soon.

Hospitals receiving over 100K in “Covid bucks” if you test, go to the hospital, get Remdesiver and end up on a ventilator. Even payment at the end. Disgusting? Yes.  Stop testing.

There is no test for Omicron.  NO TEST. It’s the same damn test that it has been for 2 years. And that test was never made from a sample of Covid. THis is “label diagnosis”.  98 symptoms long.  No one thing can be 98 symptoms with the 98th being you don’t know you have it.

95,000 Afghanis in US- 11,000 at Fort Dix alone.  This is insane.  Didn’t have to happen.

So many actors/actresses/ producers/directors in Hollywood are CIA.  Why do you think they all promote the liberal agenda like crazy? So much dirt on them.  over 90% bisexual or closeted.  Many came from three letter agencies right after WW2- same time Project Mockingbird infiltrated journalism and Washington Post.  Marvel Movie stars to Hollywood older elite- you just would not believe who is on my list.

Patriot Front is acting like a group of “patriots” and marching in different cities. Problem is, they are all uniform, all masked up so you can’t see their faces and all the same size in stature – not what I would call a real group of patriots. Where are the women- the fat- the teens?  Nope. ALL men- picked up in u-hauls after they march. Very coordinated. Very controlled. But designed – like they used the White Hats in Syria- the white hats were the bad guys.  They were NOT the good guys.  These so called patriot groups will do acts to further make good people appear to be terrorists on the alt – right- doing things in our name.  It’s a sick game put on by our own FBI and CIA.  They have to demonize us. It’s the only way to control us.

Press is on a full court demonization in my state of Utah- they have taskforce now for demonizing any group that likes the Constitution and calls out Voter fraud.  First hour today is about how Gov Cox and Henderson are actually threatening citizens who gramma request records on voting.  Serious threats.  They are desperate to write editorials and have events to call our voting systems “perfect”.  It’s sickening.  Very sickening.  Cox and Henderson are a product of vote fraud and pharma.