People are generally good, but not particularly bright.

It’s the truth.  I do think most people want to be good. Want to help. Want to show that they are good.

But we have far too many in a thinking coma/ in a mass hypnosis.

How do we break through that?

Great Video on How we became so hypnotized and what we can actually do to break it.


Patrick Wood was EXCELLENT on the show- last hour – today!  The other way to break through this is to use FREE SPEECH.

We must use free speech before the silenced become very silenced as history shows us- AND

use the tools he has created to expose what propaganda is and how to show people just how to identify it.  SO IMPORTANT.

His major point- if propaganda got us into this,  understanding propaganda exposes it and can get us out of this.

LOVE THIS POINT. is the website.

I also discussed the bad news of yesterday SCOTUS decision and why.

And Stewart Rhodes arrest was all built on thought crime.  How that effects all of us. Also- the CIA, NSA and DOD employees that are sent out to look like us and act like us- be very careful about those around us trying to build cases on us too.  Just like they did Oathkeepers.  Oathkeepers never did anything. But they were arrested and charged with pieces of “evidence” that weren’t exactly evidence. There is no evidence- because there was no harm. They did nothing.  Are we next?