School House Rock sold us on the lie that poor little sad little BILL just “wanted to be a law” or he would “die” and never get to be one- so we need all kinds of laws- doesn’t matter if anyone has the authority to pass them- we just like to have more and more government.  WOW. Did you ever realize that School House Rock was propagandizing to you?  They wanted to think that if a couple of people got together to decide they wanted more government- that the only role of the politicians was to argue about it- but in the end- it would be good if they would pass it.  AMAZING.  This is why to this day- we want our legislators to right bills.  Bills that enslave us.  But if they did nothing, we wouldn’t think they were “working hard” – so we reward them with re-election- if they can show us they wrote a ton of needless bills to enslave us.  No, it doesn’t make sense, but you can see now, how clips like this taught us to identify more government as a good thing.  And then, if we get something personally from said legislation, we love it and support it even MORE.  Yes. It’s the definition of crazy.  We all complain about how the country is broken, but applaud the politicians when they write more bills to make it worse.




The Indian was an Italian.  They most likely had to bring trash in to put it around the lake.  Was our world a trash heap? No. Did you go to lakes and rivers in the 60’s and did you actually see that we were a trash-heap? No.  They conjured up a problem and in this ad, wanted to instill the EPA (which they did and hired 10,000 gov morons to run it).  They promoted regulation, taxation and fines for a problem that wasn’t a problem.  They told us we were in a gas crunch (a lie) and manufactured events to expand government regulation.  Government increased their profits- as they blamed corporation’s greed for mass pollution (mass pollution that wasn’t taking place).  They conjured up a problem so that they could solve it.  They increased government so they could create government overlords on the corporations.  We have been told at the end of every decade since the 60’s that we were going to die- (but only at the end of every decade oddly enough) and yet- we haven’t ruined this planet and we aren’t dying.  AMAZING that taxing us, fining us and policies are THEIR answer to the world not being ruined.  How does that money actually help the earth? No one will say. LOL.