Video I played Mon or Tues about the guy who talked about Ukraine saying that we are virtue signaling and not understanding what is happening.


This was interesting:

(Hat Tip Kristen)

Susan- Childrens hospital bombed? 3,000 babies? Does any hospital have that many babies? Every time we produce a war, they focus on bogus stories about children being killed.

Look up headlines involving kids in Syrian War, and Iraqi War. Same thing.


Private military firms see demand in Ukraine war

By Bernd Debusmann Jr
BBC News, Washington

Wanted: multilingual former soldiers willing to covertly head into Ukraine for the handsome sum of up to $2,000 (£1,523) per day – plus bonus – to help rescue families from an increasingly grim conflict.
It sounds ripped from the script of an action movie, but the job advert is real – taken from an employment website, Silent Professionals, for those working in the private military and security industry.
And, insiders say, demand is growing. Amid a gut-wrenching war in Ukraine, US and European private contractors say they are increasingly eying opportunities, ranging from ‘extraction’ missions to helping with logistics.
There is “a frenzy in the market” for private contractors in Ukraine today, said Robert Young Pelton, a Canadian American author and expert on private military companies (PMCs).
But the demand for paid security workers – many of them former soldiers with ability to fight and kill – in the midst of a war leaves plenty of room for mistakes, and the potential for bedlam.
Even as Westerns volunteers are joining the fight in Ukraine, for which they can expect to be paid the same as their Ukrainian counterparts, money is being offered by private interests for security services like the one advertised on Silent Professionals. 
The recruitment platform would not say who it was advertising for, but according to Mr Pelton, contractors are being hired for between $30,000 and $6m to help remove people from Ukraine. The higher-end figure is for whole groups of families wanting to leave with their assets, he said.
The price of evacuations depends on the complexity of the work, said Tony Schiena, CEO of Mosaic, a US-headquartered intelligence and security advisory firm already operating in Ukraine.
“When there’s a larger amount of people, the risk goes up. Children and families are more difficult. It all depends on the methods we get them across”.
Mosaic’s missions are largely intelligence-driven, rather than armed, said Mr Schiena, a former South African intelligence operative whose firm includes several former high-ranking US intelligence officials on its board.
They are working with private clients, corporations and PIPs – politically exposed people – to help evacuate them from Ukraine, Mr Schiena told the BBC.
He claimed an “intelligence agency of a pretty large country” that wanted to get its citizens out was among his clients.
“Depending on how the conflict plays out, I think there will be a constant demand for [PMCs],” Mr Schiena said. “There’s a constant need, and as [the war] escalates or de-escalates, there’s always going to be something that we’re approached to do”.
Private military contractors contracted by the US State Department in Afghanistan in 2005
Private military and security firms have existed for decades, but were thrust into the public eye during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan after 9/11, working on behalf of Western governments and commercial interests.
Melissa – Parenting-  Here is a  book- The Invincible Family that talks about how we will not own our kids- they will be raised by society and how rights from us will be stripped.  Really, where they are going kind of book- with families.
Vagus Nerve.  This may help you relax. Clasp your hands behind your head and look forward but turn your eyes to the side- to the 3 pm position on a clock and hold your eyes – just your eyes there- until your body relaxes.
Georgia Bill passed their House in the last minute of their session. Scary mental health bill.  Look it up.  Georgia has the biggest FEMA camp in the country.
Utahns and Anyone Else Concerned about Election Fraud in their states- learn from these two gals fighting hard
Sophie and Jen- two red pills- exposing the election fraud that is so rampant in Utah- they are holding an event on March 25 up in South Jordan. There are only 250 seats and it is already half booked. Get your tickets. Mike Gableman, the WI Supreme Court Justice that Trump just tweeted about – will be there in person, along with “raccoon” the software specialist that exposed that in a single night 250,000 votes in Utah went from “in person” to ‘absentee” and that 50,000 people that voted for Cox did not go party ticket and vote for Trump? Highly unusual in a state where I can’t find anyone who hardly voted for Cox. How did he win the primary?
Sophie and Jen are then doing an additional event in St. George at the Red Lion on March 26 – 6pm- starts at 6:30. Don’t miss this.
Cox and Henderson have been writing op ed after op ed to CONVINCE you that elections are PERFECT and even threatening that if you don’t turn a blind eye to this- you are ruining the republic. Seriously. And they are putting up all kinds of road blocks to getting election information from Hendersons office that is OUR public info. These two events are crucial.
Just a side note- have you noticed that NONE of our politicians except for Phil Lyman are even fighting for election integrity? Notice how silent they are? Notice how SILENT all of our Congressmen are – same 4 that voted to expand that registry that will be tied to your drivers license. Hmmmm.
Get to these events- up north March 25 and in St. George March 26. Go to for ticket info
You, Marlee Fairhurst Meyers, Larry Jones and 2 others
Great liberty event- last days- what is coming- from Thurs March 10 – you can watch online too!