Kate Dalley is a cutting-edge nationally recognized radio host. She is nationally syndicated in multiple markets and can be found on many online platforms and apps. Her daily LIVE show is turned into a daily podcast. She has 7 amazing weekly co-hosts with different points of view! No parameters or politically correct talking points- she says things people are afraid to say out loud- an equal opportunity offender to both sides of the aisle. Listeners from around the globe, catch her live show and stream her daily 2-hour national political talk show, right from her website. Kate will be quick to admit that she is confirmed climate “sinner”, an election fraud process exposer and thankfully, the farthest thing from a feminist- that a woman can be. She has a great love for the Constitution and the promise of this amazing country. The Kate Dalley Show has received over 25 MILLION podcast listens- just since 2020.

She has interviewed Dr. Ben Carson, Senator Rand Paul, Talk Show Host Glenn Beck, Lara Logan, Senator Mike Lee, Dr. Judy Mikovitz, Dr.Lee Merrit, Mark Steyn, Kris “Tanto” Paronto, Sibel Edmonds, G. Edward Griffin, Syrian Girl, Fox Legal Consultant Victoria Toensing, Dr Peter McCollough, Fox & Friends Brian Kilmeade, Lew Rockwell, JASON Scientist Freeman Dyson, John McAfee, Colonel Douglas MacGregor, David Limbaugh, Sidney Powell, Roger Stone, William Engdahl, Daniel Estulin, John Kiriakou New York Times Best Selling Authors, Actors, MIT Scientists that tell the truth, world Re-noun Physicians- you name it- over 300 guests a year!

The topics on the show are quite diverse and Kate seeks to expose what the government is up to in her no-holds-barred approach to honesty in media and the total lack of honesty in the main stream media. . No political correctness here! Kate has been on the air for the last 13 years bringing national and global guests to the airwaves, for in-depth interviews and thought-provoking discussion. Kate loves history and delves into stories with a journalistic approach to uncover the truth. She is an avid election denier and climate sinner, too.

Kate is from Mission Viejo, California and moved to Southern Utah 30 years ago to raise her family with her husband Clint. She was an entrepreneur, even appearing on The Oprah Show with a product line that she invented. She is a speaker, a writer, a mother, a wife and an opinionated woman who loves God and is not afraid to talk about it. Kate is LDS and is a registered Republican with Libertarian and Independent views- quick to point out problems on both sides of the aisle and expose politicians who seek to support lobbyists and the establishment, instead of their constituency. She has a love for common sense, decency, logic, family and motherhood.

She speaks about the insanity and harm of the feminism movement and cancel culture and promotes the importance of fatherhood. Kate loves the Constitution and fights for this great country, changing hearts and minds through education, real hope and inspiration. She has presented on Mom Talks, CSPAN, INFOWARS GUEST HOST HOUR, and many other events.

Kate also hosted another additional show for several years on The Blaze Radio Network and the podcasts are available at The Blaze- listed as The Kate Show!

She now hosts LIVE the last hour of The Alex Jones Show every Wednesday on banned.video and on syndicated radio stations.

Listen to Kate Live 1pm-4pm MDT, Monday – Friday

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be faithful. be fearless.

​I always get the question, why do you say “Be faithful. Be fearless” at the end of each show. The story behind is pretty personal, well, personal to me. I was really at a crossroads with the show a while back and wondering if I should continue to speak out about the truth. It’s sad, that in this day and time, you have to be a bit worried about personal safety if you say something truthful. How crazy is that. I was really contemplating one weekend and praying, actually, about whether or not to stay on this path. I had felt since my first day on the radio, that there was a purpose to my being put there, but I was seriously having my doubts. The more I spoke out, the fewer friends I seem to have and it wasn’t without it’s drawbacks. I was sitting at church and really pondering about what I should do. I was asking God if I should continue on doing the show.

We were about to sing the hymm “Do What Is Right”. My eyes were drawn to the verses listed below the song- those extra verses that no one ever sings. This verse stood out to me and it was almost as if everything else went dark, and there was a light shining on the words in the third verse : Do what is right, be faithful and fearless.

I can’t explain how I felt this, but at that moment, I felt that was my answer. I honestly had never read the third verse of this song before. “Be faithful and fearless” was my answer.

First, be faithful to God. And that gives the ability to be fearless in our endeavors- whatever they are. This goes for all of us.

Ever since that day, I have ended the show with that line in the third verse of that song. I am grateful to God that I get to do this for a living.

do what is right

This is the entire verse and chorus of the song “Do What Is Right”.

Do what is right; be faithful and fearless.
Onward, press onward, the goal is in sight.
Eyes that are wet now, ere long will be tearless.
Blessings await you in doing what’s right!


Do what is right; let the consequence follow.
Battle for freedom in spirit and might;
And with stout hearts look ye forth till tomorrow.
God will protect you; then do what is right!

This country is need of truth and logic right now. The topics on the show are quite diverse and Kate seeks to expose what the government is up to in her no-holds-barred approach to honesty in media. No political correctness here! Kate has been on the air for