Washington Post says mask mandates ending now because of politics.  (Yep, not health) Just politics.

“State officials say the decisions are driven by data showing that the worst of the omicron surge has passed, but acknowledge they must also weigh a weary public’s tolerance for pandemic life.”

Boy that Omicron thing was FAST right?!?!?!? Started at Thanksgiving and now, poof! It’s gone.  WOW. Just that fast. Give me a break.

Thank you to all the MEN (Firemen, Police, Truckers and Pilots) that have MADE A HUGE DIFFERENCE in fighting for liberty.  I recognize that YOU MEN have made the difference. THANK YOU!

If you had the shots, you did NOT have a heart attack from snow shoveling or sleeping like Bob Sagat and getting a blood clot.  In Bob’s story, they made up a probable story about him hitting his head in his room. Yep. That explains the blood clot that killed him- a pretend story that they admittingly just say is probable.  They are now saying, according to the articles, that shoveling snow can help you have a heart attack.  They are getting desperate, folks.  Gotta explain away the deaths from shots, somehow.

Just hoping to get my free crackpipe soon.  ;)