From Jen and Sophie-

Send to this address:
Please subpoena Lt. Governor Henderson for breaking the law by not providing
FULL voter rolls to legislators, including public and private/withheld information
for both March and November 2020 elections.
I am asking that, as Attorney General, you require that she deliver these full
rolls to the Government and Operations Committee, for both House and Senate.
In addition, please start an injunction to stop the counties and state of Utah
from destroying any public records including voting or related materials
from the 2020 elections.
Thank you for your timely attention to this urgent and crucial matter.
Please request that Lt. Gov Henderson give the FULL 2020 voter rolls, including all private and withheld information for both the March and November 2020 elections, to a member of the Government and Operations Committee members.
This action will help restore trust in elections. The more Lt. Gov Henderson refuses to audit and to give these rolls to legislators, which is legally required, the more concerned I am. Is there something to hide?
Thank you for your timely attention to this urgent and crucial matter.
For more info: