On point tactical Kevin Reeve


On Simone / Olympics-   I really don’t care what she does.  My damn doesn’t give a damn. We have bigger fish to fry than whether she chooses to compete or not. No one understands her intentions. So why do people care so much?

Grocery stores are having a harder time being stocked. WHY?

There is no test for the Delta Variant.  Do we just believe that it exists? No one is even asking. WOW.

Jan 6 – Rep Adam Kizinger and Adam Schifty get Oscars for their comments and crying. There was no insurrection.  People were waved in and taking selfies. Unarmed. What a joke.  FBI is lying. Washington wanted an insurrection and their paid people in MAGA hats didn’t exactly deliver it. So they are dramatizing the events.  Ashley Babbit lost her life due to a Capitol Police agent that did not have to kill her, she didn’t pose a threat. That was the act of violence. Anything to turn away from election fraud.