Hi guys!

Yep still in FB censorship jail.

Mully movie/story/website:

Nope. This is here NOW.

Dr. Robert Malone is on the podcast last hour today.  I play his clips from Glenn Beck today.  Very interesting. He is the self proclaimed inventor of MRNA worried about censorship, lies about what is in the vaccine and so much more.

The https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bayh%E2%80%93Dole_Act   Bayl-Dole Act is what gave the Feds law in 1980 (yes, conservative Bob Dole) to create money stream for profit for Pharma and Academia from patents.  Money stream that is benefitting from vaccine enterprise as Malone calls it.

The Obsolete Man was the show I talked about in the last hour.  Burgess Meredith stars.  This show is creepier than you think.  1961.  Very telling about future live tv executions for believing in God and/or reading books.