Reston Virginia 1989  Book The Hot Zone- Melissa cited this book when talking about the “escaped” monkeys in Penn.

The narrative of the story of a few days ago “accident” with escaped monkeys.

  • news said they were going to Florida CDC lab- there is NO animal lab CDC in Florida.
  • simple old truck carries a trailer full of 100 monkeys- each worth 10K- with one guy to drive the truck from NYC airport to Florida? Why not just land in Florida? WTH? One guy hired? Makes no sense. Pretty expensive monkeys for hiring just one dude to oversee in an old truck, right? With CDC budget- this is how they do it? WOW.
  • Girl just happens to have a cut on her hand, stops and puts her fingers through the cage to an unknown animal to pet it? REALLY?!
  • Now she has pink eye? Good Heavens!