Got a local ballot?
Kimberley Casperson
Brandon Hart or Bret Henderson
Nanette Billings
Kevin Thomas and several others who I am looking at
We have three candidates for Mayor in St. George. The problem is, two of them have been in city government for a long time and haven’t opposed all the city shenanigans going on. During the last lockdown, they remained very quiet. Randall and Hughes consented to approve budgets for over 423 MILLION dollars this year- ( 183 million 8 years ago) and St. George only added 20,000 people in all of that time. That’s just horrendous. Woody is the other remaining candidate. There have been so many abuses of power so I would cast a vote for Woody and see what he’s willing to do to stop it.
Michelle Tanner will be bold enough to stand up for your rights and Greg deserves a shot to see how he will do in defending you and limiting government. We need dissenting votes. We need a non consensus.
In Washington, the current Mayor has served many terms and he and his council have given us a ton of socialized housing. Neilson signed a “whereas” statement for the masks – just like a king would do. He promised the last term would be his last. I’m not fully endorsing Staheli but we need a change. So let’s give him a shot. We need a more limited government. Kimberley is a mama warrior and I’d vote for her. I think Ed would deliver more of the same of what we have already so I would cast a vote for Brandon and see how he does.
Will you please get Brad Last out of the legislature? He’s an establishment thug. Get him out on the next go-around please. He’s such a disgrace to freedom. But yes on Nannette and Kevin. Hurricane has gotten very liberal and they love their lockdowns. They need to clean house in their city government too. Wow.
Bottom line. STOP VOTING IN GOVERNMENT LIFERS. Stop putting the same damn people in to office. We are in a mess because we love name recognition more than our own liberty.
What is wrong with us? We vote for familiar and “they seem nice” and “they answered my email” so I’ll cast a vote, instead of recognizing that they they are climbing career ladders, won’t truly defend you and won’t limit their power.
Stop voting in lifers. Everyone running that’s currently in office, has been there long enough. They haven’t changed anything and offer up excuses when asked about things. We elect them to stop the overreach, not tell us why they need to keep doing it.
And I think we put a lot of focus on whether they look the part or personality- do you want them as a friend. We shouldn’t be looking for that, it should be- “do they have a backbone to say no” and “ will the defend limited government”. We don’t know until they get in to office if they will do this but I know I don’t want more of the same abuses.
You, Deborah Palmer, Larry Meyers and 40 others
