*There were no arrests for fire arms. Because no one was armed.
*Where was the violence? No one looked like they had been in an altercation.
*Media lied for a year of four officers dying- but they all died of other causes. The fire extinguisher was a total lie that they finally admitted to.
*Videos of people being waved in to open doors at the Capitol. Police just standing and watching.
*Why would the very people who went to listen to the electoral college votes be read- interrupt their own meeting so it wouldn’t happen?
*People weren’t charged with assault and battery- they were charged with trespassing and a few were charge with “conspiring to injure an officer” that means merely thinking about it? WOW. So what “armed insurrection” took place? Sounds so dangerous, right? Trespassing?
*Had anyone tried to be really violent- they would have been shot on site by police.
* The theatrics, the lies and the overblown drama. And not one politician is REALLY bringing up any of the above questions, are they? No!
*CNN actually admitted along with Fox that Officer Brian S- died of natural causes and a stroke- not a beating by a fire extinguisher. Not by a chemical spray.  There was no external or internal injuries said the coroner. They actually had to drop the only assault charge/homicide charge on two individuals because there was NO proof.  No assault.  But the media lied about it for a year and half and said it was a fact.
* Other officers died of heart attack and overdose.  Nothing from that day.
*140 officers were never assaulted. No pics of anyone assaulted.
Jan 6.
And just like that…
We stopped talking about the electoral college vote truth that was supposed to happen,
And started talking about a group of Americans who were UN-armed, waved into the Capitol, taking selfies and who did nothing harmful – calling them domestic terrorists and comparing THAT to Pearl Harbor because it interrupted the meeting.
Those four officers did not die because of those patriots. They died of all other causes.
They never talked about the electoral college votes again in the media. Go look. It was never brought up again past the date of Jan 6, 2020.
They are the MASTERS of distraction.
It’s interesting that the Ashley Babbit story just dissapeared.  Where are the interviews and lawsuits from her family?
When you watch the slow roll video on that incident- I do not believe it actually happened the way we were told.
I do believe that it was a fake false flag that was supposed to get people at the Capitol actually violent but didn’t work because the people could see the fakeness of what was going on.
There was no blood to speak of and everyone assisting her on the ground- actually doing nothing to her.  She falls back on a backpack.  Waits in the front and a gun is drawn to shoot her for doing nothing but really just standing there?  They rush her out to hospital.  The same guys doing nothing to actually attend to her “wound” run outside to start yelling and getting people stirred up in anger about it.
People outside yelling it is a false flag attempt.
FBI obviously screwed up.
Babylon Bee nailed it:
How to remember the events of Jan 6:
 Perform a historical reenactment of the violent, bloody battle by wandering slowly through your city hall, taking photos:  The violent surge on our nation’s Capitol can easily be recreated by ages 3 and up. For added flair, open all gates and move barriers to the side in remembrance of the police officers who did exactly that.